AI_ML_DL’s diary


Predicting Molecular Properties-8

Predicting Molecular Properties-8

*1週間程度の予定で、過去のKaggleコンペ、Predicting Molecular Properties、に取り組む。(1週間を超えた!)







・This competition is hosted by members of the CHemistry and Mathematics in Phase Space (CHAMPS).

・In this competition, you will develope an algorithm that can predict the magnetic interaction between two atoms in a molecule (i.e., the scalar coupling constant.



・原文:This unprecedented partnership between mathematicians, chemista, and data scientists aims to provide new models that revolutionise our understanding of chemical transformation, with impacts on all industries that rely on understanding chemical change: spanning environmental science, the pharmaceutical industries, and energy sectors. 

・CHAMPSが2017年9月22日に開催した勉強会:"Introduction to the python data science pipeline", "learning to classify handwritten digits", learning potential energy surfaces", learning boby coordinates in VR"

・CHAMPSが2020年3月5日に開催するシンポジウム:"Cloud-sourcing Machine Learning in NMR"

・Abstractより:Recentry, we worked with Kaggle to design a competition which encouraged data scientists around the world to develope ML models for predicting pairwise nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) properties for synthetically relevant chemical compounds. Over 3 months, we received 47,800 ML model submission from 2700 teams in 84 countries, with the top models outperforming our own previously published methods. The success this strategy has cultivated highlights the potential of crowd-sourced ML approaches across a range of scientific domeins.

This symposium will introduce the background and main finding of the competition, including the context of computational NMR, the Kaggle platform and presentations from the top performing teams of the competition.




IMPRESSION – prediction of NMR parameters for 3-dimensional chemical structures using machine learning with near quantum chemical accuracy†
Will Gerrard, a Lars A. Bratholm, a Martin J. Packer,b Adrian J. Mulholland, a
David R. Glowacki *a and Craig P. Butts *a

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 508


IMPRESSION uses a Kernel Ridge Regression37 (KRR) framework to learn the 1JCH scalar couplings and 13C and 1H chemical shifts of molecular structures. KRR was successfully used by Paruzzo et al. to develop SHIFTML.22 Neural networks have also been used to predict chemical shifts in small molecules from experimental data,6,38,39 however we found no clear advantages in using feed forward neural networks in this work as the accuracy was comparable to KRR for the datasets used, with the kernel methods being much faster to train with the given training set size.




*CHAMPSチームの "Cloud-sourcing Machine Learning in NMR"は大成功だったということだ。










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