AI_ML_DL’s diary


PANDA Challenge

PANDA Challenge



目標順位:1位 : $12,000





Data Descriptionは、精読すべきである。






1.過去のコンペ、APTOS 2019に学ぶ。




2.過去のコンペ、Recursion ...、に学ぶ



1位の方の記事をみると、まず、progressive pseudo-labelingという手法が気になった。類似コンペのデータをtrainingに使うのだが、つぎ足しながらtrainingするようである。CNNのモデルは、大きいほど良いらしく、DenseNet201まで使い、動かすのがたいへんらしい。Cutmix, ArcFaceLoss, Linear Sum Assignmentなど聞いたことのない単語がでてきてついていけない。






4.当該コンペのnote bookに学ぶ







タイリング:16x128x128, 36x256x256, 25x512x512などが紹介されている。

色彩等の調整:augmentation:stain normalization:?







1枚のスライドから1000パッチ:1パッチは598x598 ピクセル:30のInception V3からなるアンサンブルを2組用意:1組は悪性と良性の分類:1組はGreasonスコアの予測:Tesla P100 GPUが136台:組織の画像に組織のマスクとペンマークのマスクを重ねてラベルマスクを作成:







小さなメモ:deep learningとreference standardの不一致は、2と3の境界および4と5の境界を決めるところで生じているようである。confusion matricsでみれば明白。

augmentation: flipping, rotating, scaling, color alterations (hue, saturation, brightness, and constrast), alterations in the H&E color space, additive noise, and Gaussian blurring.







いずれにしても、Kaggle kernelだけでは不足なのと、自分の計算環境も使えることは必須なので、

ステップ1:自分の計算環境で同等の結果を得られるようにする。これができれば、まずは、fastai, pytorch, tensorflow/keras, のどれでも良い。

1."git"がインストールできていなかった。conda install -c anaconda git

2.KaggleのデータベースにEfficientNet-PyTorchがアップロードされているのを知らなかった。Kaggle kernelからimagenetで学習したEfficientNet-PyTorchをつかうことができる。他に何があるか調べておこう。

3.Value Error! cannot decompress jpegが表示された。だいぶ時間をかけたが解決せず、scikit-imageのバージョンアップで解決するとの書き込みに対しては、condaがまだ対応していない。画像表示だけなので横に置いておく。


・データセットとして、imagenetで学習済みのDNNのweightがアップロードされており、さらに、コンペのデータセットで学習したDNNのweightをアップロードしておいてKaggle kernelから呼び出してこれらのweightを読み込むことができるのだろう。この点に関して初心者につき確信無し!

・PANDA Challenge関係では、tileに変換した画像が何種類かアップロードされている。

・汎用的に使える、種々の学習済みCNNがPyTorch, Keras, fastai用にアップロードされている。そこに便利に使えるデータがある、というだけでなく、関連論文が紹介されていることもあり、丁寧な解説がついていたりすることもある。








この2つのnotebookの最も大きな違いは、TPUを用いたnotebookは、トータルの処理時間が短いので、Kaggle kernel内で追試しやすいことかな。


3.Kaggle kernelのTPU環境でtrainingできそうなので、TPU/TensorFlow/KerasとTPUに合致したデータベースの組み合わせを使わせていただいて、モデルの予測性能を向上させる技術を検討することに注力しようと思う。





TPUのメリットは、計算時間が早いことで、それは、Kaggle kernelを使用して大きなモデルのトレーニングをする場合には適合する場合もあるが、トラブルシューティングを読み込んでいくと、高い速度で計算するには制約条件が多く、その条件から外れると、期待した速度が得られないだけでなく、精度が低下することもあると書かれている。DNNは、もともと、計算時間が長いだけでなく、出力も安定しない。それを克服するための種々の工夫がなされているが、それがTPUと整合する保証はない。ゆえに、TPUは、それ自体を調査対象とすることには興味があるが、コンペでは、その計算速度の高さが、モデルの予測性能の向上につながらなければ意味がない。



Kaggleデータセットにあるタイル画像と、imagenetで学習済みのefficientnetを用いて、transfer learningのモデルを作成し、自前の環境で、計算時間、計算精度を調べる。






・transfer learningとfine tuning、考え方、やり方は難しくないが、データにうまく適合させるには、やはり、何かが・・・。



only one DO(0.5) and small augmentation parameter



only one DO(0.5) and small augmentation parameter





DO and BN


DO and BN




1.上記のregularrizationやりすぎのような結果になった理由がわかったような気がする。A. Geronさんのテキスト341ページに次の記述がある。Finally, like a gift that keeps on giving, Batch Normalization acts like a regularizer, reducing the need for other regularization techniques (such as dropout, described later in this chapter).

つまり、Batch NormalizationとDropout(0.5)のセットを最終段で、2回使っていたのだ。さらに、augmentationの変化幅を大きくしていたのである。



実験2:2か所のBatch Normalization( )を取り除く。2か所のDropout(0.5)は復活。

これで、Dropout(0.5)の寄与とBatch Normarizationの寄与がわかるだろう。



DO use BN not use


DO use BN not-use


BN use DO not use


BN use DO not use









Kaggle kernelのGPU残り時間25分(スイッチ切り忘れにより15時間のロス、11日の午前9時まであと3日間は使えない)




no DO and no BN



no DO and no BN




A. Geronさんのテキストの10章に、ヘアスタイルを識別する場合、顔認識のためにトレーニングしたモデルがあれば、ランダムパラメータからスタートするより、顔認識の学習済みモデルの入力側に近い層のパラメータを初期値にする方が早く良い結果が得られる、というようなことが書かれている。

11章には、Fashion MNISTを題材にして、転移学習の1つの手順が示されている。ここでのポイントは、学習済みモデルの出力層のみを取り換えること、最初の数エポックは、再利用するパラメータが壊されないように固定しておくこと(layer.trainable = False)、その後でtrainableにするのだが、再利用するパラメータが破壊されてしまわないように、学習率をデフォルト値よりもかなり小さくすること(説明事例では1/100)、などであろう。

最後に、14章には、imagenetでpretrainしたXceptionを用いた花の分類例。花の画像が1000枚、すなわちデータ数が少ない場合の活用例。最初に、練習用のデータセットをtest_set, valid_set, train_setに分けている。次にモデル(Xception)の入力データサイズ224x224に合わせる。tf.image.resize(image, [224, 224])。さらに、shuffle, batching, prefetching, augmentationなどのpreprocessingをする。肝心のモデルだが、imagenetで学習したモデルとパラメータをロードする。必須条件は、include_top = False。これは、global average pooling layerとdense output layer(imagenetは1000種類に分類するから、1000のユニットからなる)を除去することで、代わりに、自前のglobal average pooling layerと、分類数のユニットをもつdense output layerを追加する。trainingの最初はbase_modelをlayer.trainable = Falseとして、数エポック、続けて、base_modelをlayer.trainable = Trueとし、かつ、learning rateを小さくして学習させる。およそこんな感じだ。

3.F. CholletさんのテキストにおけるTransfer learning

関連する内容は、Using a pretrained convnetで始まり、feature extractionとfine-tuningという表現になっていて、transfer learningという用語は、少なくとも見出しには使われていない。全体がTransfer learningで、バリエーションが多いという感じがする。

4.NIPS 2019の論文

Transfusion: Understanding Transfer Learning for Medical Imaging
Maithra Raghu∗ Cornell University and Google Brain
Chiyuan Zhang∗ Google Brain
Jon Kleinberg† Cornell University
Samy Bengio† Google Brain
Transfer learning from natural image datasets, particularly IMAGENET, using standard large models and corresponding pretrained weights has become a de-facto
method for deep learning applications to medical imaging. However, there are fundamental differences in data sizes, features and task specifications between natural
image classification and the target medical tasks, and there is little understanding of
the effects of transfer. In this paper, we explore properties of transfer learning for
medical imaging. A performance evaluation on two large scale medical imaging
tasks shows that surprisingly, transfer offers little benefit to performance, and
simple, lightweight models can perform comparably to IMAGENET architectures.
Investigating the learned representations and features, we find that some of the
differences from transfer learning are due to the over-parametrization of standard
models rather than sophisticated feature reuse. We isolate where useful feature
reuse occurs, and outline the implications for more efficient model exploration. We
also explore feature independent benefits of transfer arising from weight scalings. 

医療データの解析にtransfer learningがデファクトスタンダードとして用いられていることに意義を唱えている。疑問点は、たいていの人が感じているように、imagenetと医療画像とでは、画質も読み取る情報の位置や分布なども全く異なるので、そもそも、imagenetで学習したモデルのtransfer learningに大きな効果を期待するのはおかしいのではないか。transfer learningの効果があるとしたら、その理由、根拠は何なのかを、実験的、具体的に示したデータがあるのか。著者らは、確かに高い性能を示しているが、それは、transfer learningから期待されるもの、特徴量の効果的な利用、などによるものではなく、単にモデル自体の性能の高さによるものであろう、というのがこの論文の結論のようである。その根拠を示す結果を得ているようだが、自分にはそこまで読み取れない。





明日も、Kaggle kernelのGPUは使えないので、頭を使わないとだめだな。 













・画像の高さと幅の値を取得する:例:image_shape = image.shape





・.pad, .reshape, .transpose, .argsort, 等を、通常の説明書レベルで理解するだけではだめなのだろうという気がする。実際、np.padなども、説明書とは異なるフォーマットでも使われているようで、どう理解したらよいのかわからない。






自分でコントロールできるプログラムは、いまだ、LB: 7.0にとどまっている。












Kaggle kernel、private dataset、GPU、TPU、の使いこなし。






















①自分の計算環境でどのnotebookも動かせるようになること:これがいつまでたっても克服できない :windowsからlinuxに切り替えることで解決できるのだが、いつまでも、踏み切れずにいる。



アンサンブルに限らないが、使いたいデータは、KaggleのDatasetsのpublicもしくはyour detasetsにアップロードしておき、Kaggle kernelのnotebookから、それらをアップロードするという使い方がある。













Automated Gleason Grading and Gleason Pattern Region Segmentation Based on Deep Learning for Pathological Images of Prostate Cancer. YUCHUN LI et al., IEEE Acsess 2020















Deep Isometric Learning for Visual Recognition
Haozhi Qi, Chong You, Xiaolong Wang, Yi Ma, and Jitendra Malik          arXiv:2006.16992v1 [cs.CV] 30 Jun 2020
Initialization, normalization, and skip connections are believed to be three indispensable techniques for training very deep convolutional neural networks and obtaining state-of-the-art performance. This paper shows that deep vanilla ConvNets without normalization nor skip connections can also be trained to achieve surprisingly good performance on standard image recognition benchmarks. This is achieved by enforcing the convolution kernels to be near isometric during initialization and training, as well as by using a variant of ReLU that is shifted towards being isometric. Further experiments show that if combined with skip connections, such near isometric networks can achieve performances on par with (for ImageNet) and better than (for COCO) the standard ResNet, even without normalization at all. Our code is available at


Table 5

Since R-ISONet is prone to overfitting due to the lack of BatchNorm, we add dropout layer right before the final classifier and report the results in Table 5 (g). The results
show that R-ISONet is comparable to ResNet with dropout (Table 5 (b)) and is better than Fixup with Mixup regularization (Zhang et al., 2018).











これでOKかと思ったら、こういうエラーが出た。”BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe” この原因が、さっぱり、わからない。これはPyTorchのモデルだ。







定義:exception BrokenPipeError

A subclass of ConnectionError, raised when trying to write on a pipe while the other end has been closed, or trying to write on a socket which has been shutdown for writing. Corresponds to errno EPIPE and ESHUTDOWN.


ConnectionError のサブクラスで、もう一方の端が閉じられたパイプに書き込こもうとするか、書き込みのためにシャットダウンされたソケットに書き込こもうとした場合に発生します。 errno EPIPE と ESHUTDOWN に対応します。



・パソコンに搭載されているGPUは1050Tiなので、メモリーは4GBである。そうすると、pytorchでは、num_workers = 0 以外の選択肢はなさそうである(pytorch GPU num_workersをキーワードに検索してみると、それらしい説明があった)。tensorflow/kerasでは、num_workers = 4でエラーが発生したときに、たぶん、num_workers = 1で動いたと思う。今回も、最初にnum_workers = 4があやしいと思って4を1に変更したが、エラーは発生したままだった。










コンペサイトの説明で気になる箇所がある。 setのイメージの一部は、ペンによりマーキングされているが、test setにはマーキングはない。












pytorchのバージョンアップが、jupyter notebookに反映されない。 



AttributeError: 'CosineAnnealingLR' object has no attribute 'get_last_lr'


pytorchのバージョンアップが、jupyter notebookに反映されない。



そうだ! AIエンジニア&AI研究者になろう!





conda updateから始めたのだが、1.2より新しいものが出てこない。uninstallしてからinstallしても、1.2.0だけを推奨し、バージョンアップできない。アップデートや再インストールの際にバージョンを指定しても、別の場所に、単独でインストールされるようで、使える状態にはならない。conda listでは1.2が表示されるだけである。


試しに、fastaiとpytorch 1.2の両方をアンインストールしてから、pytorchのみインストールしようとしたが、1.2しか出てこない。

pytorchのHPに書かれているインストール方法、conda install pytorch torchvision condatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorchを実行してみた。もう3時間近く動いている。互換性のないパッケージを調査するということで、examining conflict for ... が表示され、動き続けている。もう5時間以上になる。これだけ時間がかかると、うまくいくとは思えない。pytorchはtensorflow/kerasと衝突しているのだろうか。もう10時間を超えただろうか、延々とexamining conflict forが続いている。これでバージョンアップできたらAnacondaの技術者は凄いってことになるのだが。どうかな。


1日つぶした。pytorchのバージョンアップが目的なのではなく、エラーが生じた可能性の1つがこれではないかということである。エラーが生じているのは、learning rateの更新のところだから、プログラムの変更でエラーはなくせるかもしれないので、そちらをやろう。









Kaggle kernelに頼りすぎたな。もっと広く言えば、Kaggleのコミュニティーに頼りすぎたな。技術を磨くには、とても良い仕組みであり、コミュニティーだと思う。引き続き利用させていただきたいと思っている。自分にとってのメリットとデメリットを列挙してみよう。






・自前の計算環境が無くても、Kaggle kernelで、GPUやTPUを使うことができる。



・Kaggle kernelに頼りすぎると、自前の計算環境の保守がおろそかになる。






google colaboは使えるのかどうか調べてみよう。

Kaggle kernelよりも一般向けに設計されているようである。使えるGPUやTPUの性能は同レベルかな。Google Driveは15GBまで無料で使用可能。12時間まで連続使用可能となっているようだが保証されているわけではない。

大容量のデータや大きなモデルを扱うためには、Google Cloud Platformを使うことになるのだろうな。自前のモデルで、ハイスコアの可能性があれば、やってみてもよいのだが、・・・。









さて、Kaggle kernelのGPUの最後の30時間を有効に利用する方法を考えよう。

今回のコンペで新たに学んだのは、Kaggle Datasetの利用/活用方法である。これを使って3つか4つのCNNモデルのアンサンブルを試してみることにする。
















1.Kaggle kerner内での出力ファイルの確認と取り出し

2.Kaggle kernelのGPUとTPUの活用について






2.TPUを用いたnote bookから、TPU使用方法を学ぶ


Google Cloudからのコピペ

Cloud TPU は、Google がニューラル ネットワークのワークロードに特化して設計した行列プロセッサです。TPU では、文書処理、ロケット エンジンの制御、銀行取引といった操作に対応できませんが、ニューラル ネットワークの大規模な乗算と加算に関しては、極めて高速に処理でき、しかも、消費電力と内部の物理フットプリントは CPU や GPU と比較して大幅に下回ります。

TPU が他のデバイスより優れている点としては、フォンノイマン ボトルネックが大幅に軽減されることが挙げられます。このプロセッサの主要なタスクは行列処理であるため、TPU のハードウェア設計者はその演算処理の実行に必要なあらゆる計算ステップを把握しました。そしてその知識を基に、何千もの乗算器と加算器を配置して直接相互に接続し、これらの演算子からなる大規模な物理行列を形成することができました。この構造は、シストリック アレイ アーキテクチャと呼ばれています。Cloud TPU v2 の場合、128 x 128 のシストリック アレイが 2 つあり、16 ビット浮動小数点値を処理する 32,768 個の ALU を単一プロセッサ内に集約しています。

・調べた範囲では、モバイル用途の他には、特段のメリットは無さそうだが、実際に使ってみなければわからない。2か月ほど前に、Flower Classification with TPUsというコンペがあったので、合間を見て、そこのnotebooksで学んでみよう。







・trainモデルを走らせ、最良のcvが得られたモデルのパラメータセットをsaveする⇒そのファイルをdata setとしてアップロードする⇒data setを経由して予測モデルにそのパラメータセットを読み込み、test dataの分類をしてsubmission fileを出力する。




Kaggle kernel内での操作に少し慣れてきたので、以前から気になっていたcommit中のGPU消費時間を、commit開始からモニターしている。



GPUの使用時間は、GPUのon/off操作の下段にGPU Quotaとして表示されている。それを見れば、GPUの使用時間がリアルタイムでわかる。

commit中、GPU Quotaの時間表示は、session on/offによらず、実際の経過時間の倍の速さで時間は進む。

session onでcommitすると、GPU Quotaの表示のとおり、実際の経過時間の2倍の時間、GPUを使ったことになる。

session offでcommitしても、GPU Quotaの表示は2倍の速度で進むが、My account画面に表示されるGPU消費時間は、commitの経過時間のみを反映したものであり、 Quotaをクリックすると、やはり、commitの経過時間のみを反映した表示があらわれる。



注意)GPUのon/offと、sessionのon/offは、まめにチェックしよう! augmentationについて


A. Geronさんのテキストでは、AlexNetの説明のところで、Augmentationが紹介されている。AlexNetはoverfittingを防ぐためのgenerarization techniqueとして、DropoutとともにAugmentationを用いていたことが紹介されている。

F. Cholletさんのテキストでは、データが無限にあればoverfitは起きない。その代替方法として、データをランダムに加工することによって本物に近いデータを増やす方法としてAugmentationを位置づけている。さらに、data augmentationは、所詮、元画像の単純な加工に過ぎずoverfitthingを防ぐには十分でない。その場合には分類器の全結合層の手前にdropout(0.5)を入れるとよい、と説明されている。

さらに、コードの説明のところで、validation dataに対しては、Note that the validation data shouldn't be augmentedと書かれている。

ということで、data augmentationは、train dataに対してのみ行うものと思っていた。

しかし、Test Time Augmentationは、適切に用いれば大きな効果を発揮する可能性があるようだ。次のような論文がある。

Greedy Policy Search:A Simple Baseline for Learnable Test-Time Augmentation

Dmitry Molchanov, Alexander Lyzhov, Yuliya Molchanova, Arsenii Ashukha, and Dmitry Vetrov, arXiv:2002.09103v2 [stat.ML] 20 Jun 2020

Test-time data augmentation—averaging the predictions of a machine learning model across multiple augmented samples of data—is a widely used technique that improves the predictive performance. While many advanced learnable data augmentation techniques have emerged in recent years, they are focused on the training phase. Such techniques are not necessarily optimal for test-time augmentation and can be outperformed by a policy consisting of simple crops and flips. The primary goal of this paper is to demonstrate that test time augmentation policies can be successfully learned too. We introduce greedy policy search (GPS), a simple but high-performing method
for learning a policy of test-time augmentation. We demonstrate that augmentation policies learned with GPS achieve superior predictive performance on image classification problems, provide better in-domain uncertainty estimation, and improve the robustness to domain shift.















次は、SIIM-ISIC Melanoma Classificationに取り組もう!











1つは、丁寧なラベルと画像の選択である。これは、ディープラーニングの基本中の基本、すなわち、良い(画像 - ラベル)ペアを作り上げることである。この作業を、どうやるか。訓練後に、訓練データを予測して、ノイズ画像やノイズラベルを除去することになるのだが、除去するしきい値の決め方など難しいことがありそうだな。


追加でもう1つ。Kaggle kernelとGoogle Colabしか使えない方が、工夫して、ベストテンに入っていること。これを言い訳にしている自分が恥ずかしい。






style=144 iteration=1


style=144 iteration=20


style=144 iteration=500


TReNDS Neuroimaging

TReNDS Neuroimaging









文献1:B. Rashid and V. Calhoun, Towards a brain-based predictome of mental illness

文献2:Y. Du et al., Comparison if IVA and GIG-ICA in Brain Functional Network Estimation Using fMRI Data

notebook : ざっと見ただけだが、画像解析したものが見当たらなかった。それから、年令以外の評価値の意味がまったくわからなかった。








LB:1st: 0.1569, 2nd: 0.1573, 3rd: 0.1575, ..., 10th: 0.1583, ..., 50th: 0.1591

100th: 0.1593, 200th: 0.1594, 300th: 0.1595, 400th: 0.1598, 500th: 0.1619, 600th: 0.1663








モデル4:SVM Regression: LinearSVR:計算時間は34秒。validationの結果が良くないので、submitはしない。もっとも、1日3回までだから、今日はできない。

















Ridge Regressionをやってみよう。:A. Geronさんのテキスト第4章Training MethodにあるRegression methodを使いこなそう。:第7章のregressionのアンサンブル:Stacking:も使えるようにしよう。 




1.Kaggle kernelで計算していたが、このコンペは、submissionファイルのアップロードだけであることから、自分の計算環境でも計算できるようにする。

2.A. Geronさんのテキストに例示されているregressionのモデルを片っ端から試す。




SVRで、Kaggle kernelを用いた昨日の計算結果と同じになることを確認した。


2.LinearRegressionで、Kaggle kernalと自分の計算環境を比較したら、計算結果が明らかに違った。原因は、KFoldの分割数が違っていたためであることがわかった。SVRでは、Kを7、5、3と変えても3桁目が変わるかどうか、という感じだが、LinearLergessionでは、Kが7と5でも、計算結果は明らかに違った。

3.Ridge Regressionを試したが、αの適切な値が見つからない。ageとその他とでは明らかに挙動が異なり、それらにうまく対応させるのは難しい。Cと同じで、5つそれぞれに対して、適切な値を与えるようにすればよいのか。
















2.Ridg regressionの使い方がようやくわかった。少なくとも、年令は、SVRよりもRidgeの方が少し良い結果を出せることがわかった。























3.A. Geronさんのテキストに、ElasticNetというのが紹介されていて、Lassoに優ると書かれている。昨日少し検討して感触は悪くなかったので、これを使ってみよう。









1.Ridg, Lasso, ElasticNetのアンサンブル(2種類)のsubmit





3.ネタ切れになってきたので、ニューラルネットを検討している。dense netを数層重ねたモデルを作って、試している。












NNでは、F. Cholletさんのテキストが非常に参考になる。試していない手法がまだまだあるので、明日も、1つづつ試しながら、スコアを小さくしよう!











evaluation で0.158は出るようになってきたが、瞬間値で、再現性に乏しく、安定しない。











ちなみに、連続するiterationの4回の平均値が、trainで0.1602, validationで0.1604となったので期待してsubmitしたら、0.1643となった。これはショックだった。

他にも少し条件を変えて、trainで0.1600, validationで0.1605となったので、submitしてみたら、0.1639となった。




明日は、A. Geronさんのテキストの10章から11章の内容を活用して、SVR/Ridgeに匹敵するスコアを、NNで出せるようにしたい。













提供されているデータの中身、train, test, feature, label, fMRI data





機械学習における前処理、unsupervised learning (Clustering, (dimensionality reduction, outlier detection, semi-supervised learning, ... ) (K-Means, DBSCAN, Gaussian mixtures, PCA, Fast-MCD, Isolation forest, Local outlier factor, A. Geronさんのテキストの項目を拾ってみた!







今日は、validationが0.1587、trainが0.1589のモデルができたので、これで予測したデータを期待をこめてsubmitしたが、0.1620であった。validationのデータは元のtrainデータの15%なのでばらつきが大きく、stratified samplingをしていないことも、課題かもしれない(意味不明?)。

個別モデルのチューニングはこのへんで置いておいて、機械学習の基本、A. Geronさんのテキストで説明されているデータの前処理の基本技術を、コンペのデータの前処理にきちんと適用できるようにしよう。










F. CholletさんとA. Geronさんのテキストを参考にしながら、NNの予測能力の向上を図っている。再現性はよくなってきたが、これまで以上のスコアは出ていない。




























・コードはゼロから作成したか? No

・借用したコードを変更したか? Yes

・借用時のスコアを改善したか? Yes

・目標順位を達成したか? No:Top 56%:目標 Top 10%

・何か向上したか? Yes:

1.機械学習を順に試してみて、計算時間や予測性能、ファインチューニングの仕方をある程度把握することができるようになった。テキストに具体的に示されているものを順に試していった。A. Geronさんのテキストには、さらにその先の情報が示されているがそれらを試すとこまではいかなかったものもある。




ともかく、手当たり次第に試すことにした。といっても、画像処理でも自然言語処理でもなく、特徴量だけの、従来型の機械学習の範疇なので、簡単な構造のNNを試した。最終的には全結合の3層で全て0.45のdropout(削減する割合が45%)を行って、ユニット数は、入力側から、4, 128, 4096とした。cvが0.159で、LBが0.1620であった。

このような極端な構造にどんな意味があるのかわからないが、dropoutが0.3(削減割合)、ユニット数を入力側から4, 64, 1024としたモデルでは、cvが0.160で、LBが0.1625であった。





5.予測結果をトレーニングに組み込むことも行ってみた。これは、pseud labelingとしてKagglerでは常識になっているようだが、本件では効果的ではなかった。

6.unsupervisedやsemi-supervised learningなども検討した。





2.特徴量のNN解析(遊び)に熱中しすぎたこと。昨年のAPTOS 2019のときもそうだった。大きな効果を狙うことを忘れて、小さな改善に熱中しすぎることがある。









次は、PANDA Challenge!



style=142 iteration=500


Protein structure prediction using multiple deep neural networks in the 13th Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13)

Protein structure prediction using multiple deep neural networks in the 13th Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13)

Andrew W. Senior1 | Richard Evans1 | John Jumper1 | James Kirkpatrick1 |
Laurent Sifre1 | Tim Green1 | Chongli Qin1 | Augustin Žídek1 |
Alexander W. R. Nelson1 | Alex Bridgland1 | Hugo Penedones1 | Stig Petersen1 |
Karen Simonyan1 | Steve Crossan1 | Pushmeet Kohli1 | David T. Jones 2,3 |
David Silver1 | Koray Kavukcuoglu1 | Demis Hassabis1
1 DeepMind, London, UK
2 The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
3 University College London, London, UK


We describe AlphaFold, the protein structure prediction system that was entered by the
group A7D in CASP13.

Submissions were made by three free-modeling (FM) methods which combine the predictions of three neural networks.

All three systems were guided by predictions of distances between pairs of residues produced by a neural network.

Two systems assembled fragments produced by a generative neural network, one using scores from a network trained to regress GDT_TS.

The third system shows that simple gradient descent on a properly constructed potential is able to perform on par with more expensive traditional search techniques and without requiring domain segmentation.

In the CASP13 FM assessors' ranking by summed z-scores, this system scored highest with 68.3 vs 48.2 for the next closest group (an average GDT_TS of 61.4).

The system produced high accuracy structures (with GDT_TS scores of 70 or higher) for 11 out of 43 FM domains.

Despite not explicitly using template information, the results in the template category were comparable to the best performing template-based methods.

KEYWORDS : CASP, deep learning, machine learning, protein structure prediction


1  Introduction


2  Methods


2.1  Distance prediction


2.2  GDT-net




2.3  Memory-augmented simulated annealing


2.4  Structure prediction





2.5  Repeated gradient descent


2.6  Domain segmentation


2.7  Decoy selection


2.8  Data


3  Results


4  Discussion






バイオインフォマティクスの技術者資格の公認テキストの4-11 タンパク質の立体構造を予測する方法に、2ページにわたり解説されていて、過去の状況がある程度わかる。


AlphaFold at CASP13
Mohammed AlQuraishi 1,2,*
1Department of Systems Biology and 2Lab of Systems Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA 


Summary: Computational prediction of protein structure from sequence is broadly viewed as a foundational problem of biochemistry and one of the most difficult challenges in bioinformatics.
Once every two years the Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP) experiments are held to assess the state of the art in the field in a blind fashion, by presenting predictor groups with protein sequences whose structures have been solved but have not yet been made publicly available.

The first CASP was organized in 1994, and the latest, CASP13, took place last December,
when for the first time the industrial laboratory DeepMind entered the competition.

DeepMind’s entry, AlphaFold, placed first in the Free Modeling (FM) category, which assesses methods on their ability to predict novel protein folds (the Zhang group placed first in the Template-Based Modeling  (TBM) category, which assess methods on predicting proteins whose folds are related to ones already in the Protein Data Bank.)

DeepMind’s success generated significant public interest.

Their approach builds on two ideas developed in the academic community during the preceding decade:

(i) the use of co-evolutionary analysis to map residue co-variation in protein sequence to physical contact in protein structure, and

(ii) the application of deep neural networks to robustly identify patterns in protein sequence and co-evolutionary couplings and convert them into contact maps.

In this Letter, we contextualize the significance of DeepMind’s entry within the broader history of CASP, relate AlphaFold’s methodological advances to prior work, and speculate on the future of this important problem. 


1  Significance

Progress in Free Modeling (FM) prediction in Critical Assessment of protain Structure Prediction (CASP) has historically ebbed and flowed, with a 10-year period of relative stagnation finally broken by the advances seen at CASP11 and 12, which were driven by the advent of co-evolution methods (Moult et al., 2016, 2018; Ovchinnikov et ak., 2016; Schaarschumidt et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018) and the application of deep convolutional neural networks (Wang et al., 2017).

The progress at CAPS13 corresponds to roughly twice the recent rate of advance [measured in mean ΔGDT_TS from CASP10 to CASP12 - GDT_TS is a measure of prediction accuracy ranging from 0 to 100, with 100 being perfect (Zemla et al., 1999)].

This can be observed not only in the CASP-over-CASP improvement, but also in the gap between AlphaFold and the second best performer at CASP13, which is unusually large by CASP standards (Fig. 1).

Even when excluding AlphaFold, CASP13 shows further progress due to the widespread adoption of deep learning and the continued exploitation of co-evolutionary information in protain structure prediction (de Oliveira and Deane, 2017).

Taken together these obsevations indicate substantial progress both by the whole field and by AlphaFold in particular.



     Nonetheless, the problem remains far from solved, particularly for practical applications.

GDT_TS measures gross topology, which is of inherent biological interest, but does not necessarily result in structures useful in drug discovery or molecular biology applications.

An alternative metric, GDT_HA, provides a more stringent assessment of atructural accuracy (Read and Chavali, 2017).

Figure 2 plots the GDT_HA scores of the top two performers for the last four CASPs.

While substantial progress can be discerned, the distance to perfect predictions remains sizeable.

In addition, both metrics measure global goodness of fit, which can mask significant local deviations.

Local accuracy corresponding to, for example, the coordination of atoms in an active site or the localized change of conformation due to a mutation, can be the most important aspect of a predicted structure when answering broader biological questions.


It remains the case however that AlphaFold represents an anomalous leap in protain structure prediction and portends favorably for the future.

In particular, if the AlphaFold-adjusted trend in Figure 1 were continue, then it is conceivable that in ~5 years' time we will begin to expect predicted structures with a mean GDT_TS of ~85%, which would arguably correspond to a solution of the gross topology problem.

Whether the trend will continue remains to be seen.

The exponential increase in the number of sequenced protains virtually ensures that improvements will be had even without new methodological developments.

However, for the more general problem of predicting arbitrary protain structures from an individual amino acid sequence, including designed ones, new conceptual breakthroughs will almost certainly be required to obtain further progress.


 2  Prior work

AlphaFold is a co-evolution-dependent method building on the groundwork laid by several researchgroupes over the preceding decade.

Co-evolution methods work by first constructing a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of protains homologous to the protain of interest.

Such MSAs must be large, often comprising 10^5-10^6 sequences, and evolutionarily diverse (Tetchner et al., 2014).

The so-called evolutionary couplings are then extracted from the MSA by detecting residues that co-evolve, i.e. that have mutated over evolutionary timeframes in response to other mutations, thereby suggesting physical proximity in space.

The foundational methodology behind this approach was developed two decades ago (Lapedes et al., 1999), but was originally only validated in simulation as large protain sequence families were not yet available.

The first set of such approaches to be applied effectively to real protains came after the exponential increase in availability of protain sequences (Jones et al., 2012; Kamisetty et al., 2013; Marks et al., 2011; Weigt et al., 2009).

These approaches predicted binary contact matrices from MSAs, i.e. whether two residues are 'in contact' or not (typically defined as having Cβ atoms within <8 Å), and fed that information to geomettric constraint satisfaction methods such as CNS (Brunger et al., 1998) to fold the protain and obtain its 3D coordinates.

This first generation of methods was a significant breakthrough, and ushered in the new era of protain structure prediction.


An important if expected development was the coupling of binary contacts with more advanced folding pipelines, such as Rosetta (Leaver-Fay et al., 2011) and I-Tasser (Yang et al., 2015), which resulted in better accuracy and constituted the state of the art in the FM category until the beginning of CASP12.

The next major advance came from applying convolutional networks (LeCun et al., 2015) and deep residual networks (He et al., 2015; Srivastava et al., 2015) to integrate information globally across the entire matrix of raw evolutionary coupling to obtain more accurate contacts (Liu et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017).

This led to some of the advances seen at CASP12, although ultimately the best performing group at CASP12 did not make extensive use of deep learning [convolutional neural networks made a significant impact on contact prediction at CASP12, but the leading method was not yet fully implemented to have an impact on structure prediction (Wang et al., 2017)].


During the lead uo to CASP13, one group published a modification to their method, RaptorX (Xu, 2018), that proved highly consequential.

As before, RaptorX takes MSAs as inputs, but instead of predicting binary contacts, it predicts discrete distances.

Specifically, RaptorX predicts probabilities over discretized spatial ranges (e.g. 10% probability for 4-4.5 Å), then uses the mean and variance of the predicted distribution to calculate lower and upper bounds for atom-atom distances.

These bounds are then fed to CNS to fold the protain.

RaptorX showed promise on a subset of CASP13 targets, with its seemingly simple change having a surprisingly large impact on prediction quality.

Its innovation also forms one of the key ingredients of AlphaFold's approach.


3  AlphaFold

Similar to RaptorX, AlphaFold predicts a distribution over discretized spatial ranges as its output (the details of the convolutional network architecture are different).

Unlike RaptorX, which only exploits the mean and variance of the predicted distribution, AlphaFold uses the entire distribution as a (protain-specific) statistical potential function (Sippl, 1990; Thomas and Dill, 1996) that is directly minimized to fold the protain.

The key idea of AlphaFold's approach is that a distribution over pairwise distances between residues corresponds to a potential that can be minimized after being turned into a continuous function.

DeepMind's team initially experimented with more complex approaches (personal communication), including fragment assembly (Rohl et al., 2004) using a generative variational autoencoder (Kingma and Welling, 2013).

Halfway through CASP13 however, the team discovered thtat simple and direct minimization of the predicted energy function, using gradient descent (L-BFGS) (Goodfellow et al., 2016; Nocedal, 1980), is suffucient to yield accurate structures.


There are important technical details.

The potential is not used as is, but is normalized using a learned 'reference state', Human-derived reference states are a key component of knowledge-based potentials such as DFIRE (Zhang et al., 2005), but the use of a learned reference state is an innovation.

This potential is coupled with traditional physics-based energy terms from Rosetta and the combined function is what is actually minimized.

The idea of predicting a protain-specific energy potential is also not new (Zhao and Xu, 2012; Zhu et al., 2018), but AlphaFold's implementation made it highly performant in the structure prediction context.

This is important as protain-specific potentials are not widely used.

Popular knowledge- and physics-based potentials are universal, in that they aspire to be applicable to all protains, and in principle should yield a protain's lowest energy conformation with sufficient sampling.

AlphaFold's protain-specific potentials on the other hand are entirely a consequence of a given protain's MSA.

AlphaFold effectively constructs a potential surface that is very smooth for a given protain family, and whose minimum closely matches that of the family's avarage native fold.


Beyond the above conceptual innovations, AlphaFold uses more sophisticated neural networks than what has been applied in protain structure prediction.

First, they are hundreds of layers deep, resulting in a much higher number of parameters than existing approaches (Liu et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017).

Second, through the use of so-called dilated convolutions, which use non-contiguous receptive fields that span a larger spatial extent than traditional convolutions, AlphaFold's neural networks can model long-range interactions covering the entirety of the protain sequence.

Third, AlphaFold uses sophisticated computational tricks to reduce the memory and compute requirements for processing long protain sequences, enabling the resulting networks to be trained for longer.

While these ideas are not new in the deep learning field, they had not yet been applied to protain structure prediction.

Combined with DeepMind's expertise in searching a large hyperparameter space of neural network configurations, they likely contributed substantially to AlphaFold's strong performance.


4  Future prospects

Much of the recent progress in protain structure prediction, including AlphaFold, has come from the incorporation of co-evolutionary data, which are by construction defined on the protain family level.

For predicting the gross topology of a protain family, co-evolution-dependent approaches will likely show continued progress for the foreseeable future.

However, such approaches are limited when it comes to predicting structures for individual protain sequences, such as a mutated or de novo designed protain, as they are dependent on large MSAs to identify co-variation in residures.

Lacking a large constellation of homologous sequences, co-evolution-dependent methods perform poorly, and this was observed at CASP13 for some of the targets on which AlphaFold was tested (e.g. T0998).

Physics-based approaches, such as Rosetta and I-Tasser, are currentry the primary paradigm for tackling this broader class of problems.

The advent of learning suggests a broader rethinking of how the protain structure problem could be tackled, however, with a broad range of possible new approaches, including end-to-end differentiable model (AlQuraichi, 2019; Ingraham et al., 2018), semi-supervised approaches (Alley et al., 2019; Bepler and Berger, 2018; Yang et al., 2018) and generative approaches (Anand et al., 2018).

While not yet broadly competitive with the best co-evolution-dependent methods, such approaches can eschew co-evolutionary data to directly learn a mapping function from sequence to structure.

As these approaches continue to mature, and as physico-chemical priors get more directly integrated into the deep learning machinery, we expect that they will provide a complementary path forward for tackling protain structure prediction.


Deep learning methods in protein structure prediction
Mirko Torrisi b, Gianluca Pollastri b, Quan Le a,⇑
a Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research, University College Dublin, Ireland
b School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland


a b s t r a c t
Protein Structure Prediction is a central topic in Structural Bioinformatics.

Since the ’60s statistical methods, followed by increasingly complex Machine Learning and recently Deep Learning methods, have been employed to predict protein structural information at various levels of detail.

In this review, we briefly introduce the problem of protein structure prediction and essential elements of Deep Learning (such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks and basic feed-forward Neural Networks they are founded on), after which we discuss the evolution of predictive methods for one dimensional and two-dimensional Protein Structure Annotations, from the simple statistical methods of the early days, to the computationally intensive highly-sophisticated Deep Learning algorithms of the last decade.

In the process, we review the growth of the databases these algorithms are based on,
and how this has impacted our ability to leverage knowledge about evolution and co-evolution to achieve improved predictions.

We conclude this review outlining the current role of Deep Learning techniques within the wider pipelines to predict protein structures and trying to anticipate what challenges and opportunities may arise next.
2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology.

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.


1. Introduction
Proteins hold a unique position in Structural Bioinformatics.

In fact, the origins of the field itself can be traced to Max Perutz and John Kendrew’s pioneering work to determine the structure of globular proteins (which also led to the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) [1,2].

The ultimate goal of Structural Bioinformatics, when it comes to proteins, is to unearth the relationship between the residues forming a protein and its function, i.e., in essence, the relationship between genotype and phenotype.

The ability to disentangle this relationship can potentially be used to identify, or even design, proteins able to bind specific targets [3], catalyse novel reactions [4] or guide advances in biology, biotechnology and medicine [5], e.g. editing specific locations of the genome with CRISPR-Cas9 [6].

According to Anfinsen’s thermodynamic hypothesis, all the information that governs how proteins fold is contained in their respective primary sequences, i.e. the chains of amino acids (AA, also called residues) forming the proteins [7,8].

Anfinsen’s hypothesis led to the development of computer simulations to score protein
conformations, and, thus, search through potential states looking for that with the lowest free energy, i.e. the native state [9,8].

The key issue with this energy-driven approach is the explosion of the conformational search space size as a function of a protein’s chain length.

A solution to this problem consists in the exploitation of simpler, typically coarser, abstractions to gradually guide the search, as proteins appear to fold locally and non-locally at the same time but incrementally forming more complex shapes [10].

A standard pipeline for Protein Structure Prediction envisages intermediate prediction steps where abstractions are inferred which are simpler than the full, detailed 3D structure, yet structurally informative - what we call Protein Structure Annotations
(PSA) [11].

The most commonly adopted PSA are secondary structure, solvent accessibility and contact maps.

The former two are one-dimensional (1D) abstractions which describe the arrangement
of the protein backbone, while the latter is a two dimensional (2D) projection of the protein tertiary structure in which any 2 AA in a protein are labelled by their spatial distance, quantised in some way (e.g. greater or smaller than a given distance threshold).

Several other PSA, e.g. torsion angles or contact density, and variations of the aforementioned ones, e.g. halfsphere exposure and distance maps, have been developed to describe protein structures [11].

Fig. 1 depicts a pipeline for the prediction of protein structure from the sequence in which the intermediate role of 1D and 2D PSA is highlighted.



It should be noted that protein intrinsic disorder [12–14] can be regarded as a further 1D PSA with an important structural and functional role [15], which has been predicted by Machine Learning and increasingly Deep Learning methods similar to those adopted for the prediction of other 1D PSA properties [16–22], sometimes alongside them [23].

However, given its role in protein structure prediction pipelines is less clear than for other PSA, we will not explicitly focus on disorder in this article and refer the reader to specialised reviews on disorder prediction, e.g. [24–26].

The slow but steady growth in the number of protein structures available at atomic resolution has led to the development of PSA predictors relying also on homology detection (‘‘template-based predictors”), i.e. predictors directly exploiting proteins of known structure (‘‘templates”) that are considered to be structurally similar based on sequence identity [27–30].

However, a majority PSA predictors are ‘‘ab initio”, that is, they do not rely on templates.

Ab-initio predictors leverage extensive evolutionary information searches at the sequence level, relying on ever-growing data banks of known sequences and constantly improving algorithms to detect similarity among them [31–33].

Fig. 2 shows the growth in the number of known structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) [34] and sequences in the Uniprot [35] - the difference in pace is evident, with an almost constant number of new structures having been added to the PDB each year for the last few years while the number of known sequences is growing close to exponentially.


1.2. Deep Learning
Deep Learning [41] is a sub-field of Machine Learning based on artificial neural networks, which emphasises the use of multiple connected layers to transform inputs into features amenable to predict corresponding outputs.

Given a sufficiently large dataset of input–output pairs, a training algorithm can be used to automatically learn the mapping from inputs to outputs by tuning a set of parameters at each layer in the network.

While in many cases the elementary building blocks of a Deep Learning system are FFNN or similar elementary cells, these are combined into deep stacks using various patterns of connectivity.

This architectural flexibility allows Deep Learning models to be customised for any particular type of data. Deep Learning models can generally be trained on examples by back-propagation [36], which leads to efficient internal representations of the data being
learned for a task.

This automatic feature learning largely removes the need to do manual feature engineering, a laborious and potentially error-prone process which involves expert domain knowledge and is required in other Machine Learning approaches.

However, Deep Learning models easily contain large numbers of internal parameters and are thus data-greedy - the most successful applications of Deep Learning to date have been in fields in which very large numbers of examples are available [41].

In the remainder of this section we summarise the main Deep Learning modules which are used in previous research in Protein Structure Prediction.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [42] are an architecture designed to process data which is organised with regular spatial dependency (like the tokens in a sequence or the pixels in animage).

A CNN layer takes advantage of this regularity by applying the same set of local convolutional filters across positions in the data, thus brings two advantages: it avoids the overfitting problem by having a very small number of weights to tune with respect to
the input layer and the next layer dimensionality, and it is translation invariant.

A CNN module is usually composed of multiple consecutive CNN layers so that the nodes at later layers have larger receptive fields and can encode more complex features.

It should be noted that ‘‘windowed” FFNN discussed above can be regarded as a particular, shallow, version of CNN, although we will keep referring to them as FFNN in this review to follow the historical naming practice in the literature.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) [43] are designed to learn global features from sequential data.

When processing an input sequence, a RNN module uses an internal state vector to summarise the information from the processed elements of the sequence: it has a parameterised sub-module which takes as inputs the previous internal state vector and the current input element of the sequence to produce the current internal state vector;
the final state vector will summarise the whole input sequence.

Since the same function is applied repeatedly across the elements of a sequence, RNN modules easily suffer from the gradient vanishing or gradient explosion problem [44] when applying the back propagation algorithm to train them.

Gated recurrent neural network modules like Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [45] or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [46] are designed to alleviate these problems.

Bidirectional versions of RNNs (BRNN) are also possible [47] and particularly appropriate in PSA predictions, where data instances are not sequences in time but in space and propagation of contextual information in both directions is desirable.

Even though the depth of a Deep Learning model increases its expressiveness, increasing depth also makes it more difficult to optimise the network weights due to gradients vanishing or exploding.

In [48] Residual Networks have been proposed to solve these problems.

By adding a skip connection from one layer to the next one, a Residual Network is initialised to be near the identity function thus avoids large multiplicative interactions in the gradient flow.

Moreover, skip connections act as ‘‘shortcuts”, providing shorter input–output paths for the gradient to flow in otherwise deep networks.


2. Methods for 1D Protein Structural Annotations

First generation PSA predictors relied on statistical calculations of propensities of single AA towards structural conformations, usually secondary structures [49–52], which were then combined into actual predictions via hand-crafted rules.

While these methods predicted at better than chance accuracy, they were quite limited
- especially on novel protein structures [53], with per-AA accuracies usually not exceeding 60%.

In a second generation of predictors [54], information from more than one AA at a time was fed to various methods, including FFNN to predict secondary structure [38,39], and least squares, i.e. a standard regression analysis, to predict hydrophobicity values [55].

This step change was made possible by the increasing number of resolved structures available.

These methods were somewhat more accurate than first generation ones, with secondary structure accuracies of 63–64% reported [38].
The third generation of PSA predictors has been characterised by the adoption of evolutionary information [56] in the form of alignments of multiple homologous sequences as input to the predictive systems, which are almost universally Machine Learning, or Deep Learning algorithms.

One of the early systems from this generation, PHD [56], arguably the first to predict secondary structure at over 70% accuracy, was implemented as two cascaded FFNN taking segments of 13 AA and 17 secondary structure predictions as inputs, containing 5,000–15,000 free tunable parameters, and trained by back-propagation.

Subsequent sources of improvement were more sensitive tools for mining evolutionary information such as PSI-BLAST [32] or HMMER [57], and the ever increasing nature of both the databases of available structures and sequences, with PSIPRED [58], based on
a similar stack of FFNN to that used in PHD, albeit somewhat larger, achieving state of the art performances at the time of development, with sustained 76% secondary structure prediction accuracy.

2.1. Deep Learning methods for 1D PSA prediction

Various Deep Learning algorithms have been routinely adopted for PSA prediction since the advent of the third generation of predictors [11], alongside more classic Machine Learning methods such as k-Nearest Neighbors [63,64], Linear Regression [65], Hidden
Markov Models [66], Support Vector Machines (SVM) [67] and Support Vector Regression [68].

PHD, PSIPRED, and JPred [69] are among the first notable examples in which cascaded FFNN are used to predict 1D PSA, in particular secondary structure. DESTRUCT [70] expands on this approach by simultaneously predicting secondary structure and torsion
angles by an initial FFNN, then having a filtering FFNN map first stage predictions into new predictions, and then iterating, with all copies of the filtering network sharing their internal parameters.

SPIDER2 [59] builds on this approach adding solvent accessibility to the set of features predicted and training an independent set of weights for each iteration. The entire set of PSA predicted is used, along with the input features of the first stage, to feed the second and third stage.

Each stage is composed of a windowbased (w = 17) 3-layered FFNN with 150 hidden units each [59].

SSpro is a secondary structure predictor based on a Bidirectional RNN architecture followed by a 1D CNN stage.

The architecture was shown to be able to identify the terminus of the protein sequence and was quite compact with only between 1400 and 2900 free parameters [47].

Subsequent versions of SSpro increased the size of the training datasets and networks [71].

Similar architectures have been implemented to predict solvent accessibility and contact density [72].

The latest version of SSpro adds a final refinement step based on a PSI-BLAST search of structurally similar proteins [30], i.e. is a template-based predictor.

A variant to plain BRNN-CNN architectures are stacks of Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks [73,27,74,31,75].

In these a first BRNN-CNN stage is followed by a second structurally similar stage fed with averages over segments of predictions from the first stage.

Porter, PaleAle, BrownAle and Porter+ (Brewery) are Deep Learning methods employing these architectures to predict secondary structure, solvent accessibility, contact density and torsionangles, respectively [60,11].

The latest version of Porter (v5) is composed by an ensemble of 7 models with 40,000–60,000 free parameters each, using multiple methods to mine evolutionary information [31,76].

The same architecture has also been trained on a combination of sequence and structural data [27,28], and in a cascaded approach similar to that of DESTRUCT and SPIDER2 in which multiple PSA are predicted at once and the prediction is iterated [77].

SPIDER3 [61] substitutes the FFNN architecture of SPIDER2 with a Bidirectional RNN with LSTM cells [45] followed by a FFNN, predicts 4 PSA at once, and iterates the prediction 4 times. Each of the 4 iterations of SPIDER3 is made of 256 LSTM cells per direction per layer, followed by 1024 and 512 hidden units per layer in the FFNN.

Adam optimiser and Dropout (with a ratio of 50%) [78] are used to train the over 1 million free parameters of the model. SPIDER2 and SPIDER3 are the only described methods which employ seven representative physio-chemical properties in input along
with both HHblits and PSI-BLAST outputs.


2.2. Convolutional neural networks

RaptorX-Property is a collection of 1D PSA predictors released since 2010 and based on Conditional Neural Fields (CNF), i.e. Neural Networks possessing an output layer made of Conditional Random Fields (CRF) [79].

The most recent version of RaptorX Property is based on Deep Convolutional Neural Fields (DeepCNF), i.e. CNN with CRF output [80,23].

This version has 5 convolutional layers containing 100 hidden units with a window size of 11 each, i.e. roughly 500,000 free parameters (10 times and 100 times as many as Porter5 and PHD, respectively).

The latest version of RaptorX-Property depends on HHblits instead of PSI-BLAST for the evolutionary information fed to DeepCNF models [23].

NetSurfP-2.0 is a recently developed predictor which employs either HHblits or MMsEqs. 2 [76,81], depending on the number of sequences in input [62].

NetSurfP-2.0 is made of two CNN layers, consisting of 32 filters with 129 and 257 units, respectively, and two BRNN layers, consisting of 1024 LSTM cells per direction per layer.

The CNN input is fed to the BRNN stage as well.

NetSurfP-2.0 predicts secondary structure, solvent accessibility, torsion angles and structural disorder with a different fully connected layer per PSA.

In Fig. 3 we report a scatterplot of performances of secondary structure predictors vs. the year of their release.

Gradual, continuing improvements are evident from the plot, as well as the transition from statistical methods to classical Machine Learning and later Deep Learning methods.

A set of surveys of recent methods for the prediction of protein secondary structure can be found in [82–85] and a thorough comparative assessment of highthroughput
predictors in [86].


3. Methods for 2D Protein Structural Annotations
A typical pipeline to predict protein structure envisages a step in which 2D PSA of some nature are predicted [11].

In fact, most of the recent progress in Protein Structure Prediction has been driven by Deep Learning methods applied to the prediction of contact or distance maps [87,88].

Contact maps have been adopted to reconstruct the full threedimensional (3D) protein structure since the ’90s [89–91].

Although the 2D-3D reconstruction is known to be a NP-hard problem [92], heuristic methods have been devised to solve it approximately [89,93,94] and optimised for computational efficiency [90].

The robustness of these heuristic methods has been tested against noise in the contact map [95].

Distance maps and multi-class contact maps (i.e. maps in which distances are quantised into more than 2 states) typically lead to more accurate 3D structures than binary maps and tend to be more robust when random noise is introduced in the map [29,96].

Nonetheless, one contact every twelve residues may be sufficient to allow robust and accurate topology-level protein structure modeling [97].

Predicted contact maps can also be helpful to score and, thus, guide the search for 3D models [98].

One of the earliest examples of 2D PSA annotations are β sheet pairings, i.e. AA partners in parallel and anti-parallel β sheet conformations.

Machine/Deep Learning methods such as FFNN [99], BRNN [100] and multi-stage approaches [101] have been used since the late ’90s to predict whether any 2 residues are partners in a β sheet.

Similarly, disulphide bridges (formed by cysteine-cysteine residues) have been predicted by the Edmonds-Gabow algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation annealing [102], or hybrid solutions such as Hidden Markov Models and FFNN [103], and multi-stage FFNN, SVM and BRNN [104], alongside classic Machine Learning models such as SVM [105], pure Deep Learning models such as BRNN [106], and FFNN [107].

The prediction of a contact map’s principal eigenvector (using BRNN) is instead an example of 1D PSA used to infer 2D characteristics [108].

The predictions of b sheet pairings, disulphide bridges and principal eigenvectors have been prompted by the need for ‘‘easy-to-predict”, informative abstractions which can be used to guide the prediction of more complex 2D PSA such as contact or distance maps.

Ultimately, however, most interest in 2D PSA has been in the direct prediction of contact and distance maps as these contain most, if not all, the information necessary for the reconstruction of a protein’s tertiary structure [89,29,96], while being translation and rotation invariant [91] which is a desirable property for the target of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms.


Early methods for contact map prediction typically focused on simple, binary maps, and relied on statistical features extracted from evolutionary information in the form of alignments of multiple sequences.

Features such as correlated mutations, sequence conservation, alignment stability and family size were inferred from multiple alignments and were shown to be informative for
contact map prediction since the ’90s [109,110].

Early methods often relied on simple linear combinations of features, though FFNN [111] and other Machine Learning algorithms such as Self-Organizing Maps [112] and SVM [113] quickly followed.

3.1. Modern and deep learning methods for 2D PSA prediction

2D-BRNN [72,124] are an extension to the BRNN architecture used to predict 1D PSA.

These models, which are designed to process 2D maps of variable sizes, have 4 state vectors summarising information about the 4 cardinal corners of a map.

2D-BRNN have been applied to predict contact maps [72,124,108,125], multi-class contact maps [29], and distance maps [96].

Contact map predictions by 2D-BRNN have also been refined using cascaded FFNN [126].

Both ab initio and template-based predictors have been developed to predict maps (as well as 1D PSA) [29,96].

In particular, template-based contact and distance map predictors rely both on the sequence and structural information and, thus, are often better than ab initio predictors even when only dubious templates are available [29,96].

More recently, growing abundance of evolutionary information data and computational resources has led to substantial breakthroughs in contact map prediction [127].

More sophisticated statistical methods have been developed to calculate mutual information without the influence of entropy and phylogeny [128], co-evolution coupling [129], direct-coupling analysis (DCA) [130] and sparse inverse covariance estimation [131].

The evergrowing number of known sequences has led to the development of more optimised and, thus, faster tools [132] able to also run on GPU [133].

PSICOV [131], FreeContact [132] and CCMpred [133], which are notable results of this development, have allowed the exploitation of ever growing data banks and prompted a new wave of Deep Learning methods.

MetaPSICOV is a notable example of a Deep Learning method applied to PSICOV, FreeContact and CCMpred, as well as 1D features (such as predicted 1D PSA) [134].

MetaPSICOV is a twostage FFNN with one hidden layer with 55 units.

MetaPSICOV2, the following version, is a two-stage FFNN with two hidden layers with 160 units each and also a template-based predictor [114].

DeepCDpred is a multi-class contact map ab initio predictor which attempts to extend MetaPSICOV [115].

In particular, PSICOV is substituted with QUIC - a similarly accurate but significantly faster
implementation of the sparse inverse covariance estimation - and the two-stage FFNN with an ensemble of 7 deeper FFNN (with 8 hidden layers) which are trained on different targets and, thus, result in a multi-class map predictor.

RaptorX-Contact is one of the first examples of contact map predictor based on a Residual CNN architecture [116].

RaptorXContact has been trained on CCMpred, mutual information, pairwise potential extraction and RaptorX-Property’s output, i.e. secondary structure and solvent accessibility predictions [23].

RaptorX-Contact uses filters of size 3 x 3 and 5 x 5, 60 hidden units per layer and a total of 60 convolutional layers.

DNCON2 is a two-stage CNN trained on a set of input features similar to MetaPSICOV [117].

The first stage is composed of an ensemble of 5 CNN trained on 5 different thresholds, which feeds a following refining stage of CNN. The first stage of DNCON2 can be seen as a multi-class contact map predictor. 

DeepContact (also known as i_Fold1) aims to demonstrate the superiority of CNN over FFNN to predict contact maps [118].

DeepContact is a 9-layer Residual CNN with 32 filters of size 5 x 5 trained on the same set of features used by MetaPSICOV.

The outputs of the third, sixth and ninth layers are concatenated with the original input and fed to a last hidden layer to perform the final prediction.

DeepCov uses CNN to predict contact maps when limited evolutionary information is available [119].

In particular, DeepCov has been trained on a very limited set of input features: pair frequencies and covariance.

This is one of the first notable examples of 2D PSA predictors which entirely skips the prediction of 1D PSA in its pipeline.

PconsC4 is a CNN with limited input features to significantly speed-up prediction time [120].

In particular, PconsC4 uses predicted 1D PSA, the GaussDCA score, APC-corrected mutual information, normalised APC-corrected mutual information and crossentropy.

PconsC4 requires only a recent version of Python and a GCC compiler with no need for any further external programs and appears to be significantly faster (and more accurate) than MetaPSICOV [120,114].

SPOT-Contact has been inspired by RaptorX-Contact and extends it by adding a 2D-RNN stage downstream of a CNN stage [121].

SPOT-Contact is an ensemble of models based on 120 convolutional filters – half 3 x 3 and half 5 x 5 – followed by a 2D-BRNN with 800 units – 200 LSTM cells for each of the 4 directions – and a final hidden layer composed of 400 units.

Adam, a 50% dropout rate and layer normalization are among the Deep Learning techniques implemented to train this predictor.

CCMpred, mutual and direct-coupling information are used as inputs as well as the output of SPIDER3, i.e. predictions of solvent accessibility, half-Sphere exposures, torsion angles and secondary structure [61].

TripletRes [122] is a contact map predictor that ranked first in the Contact Predictions category of the latest edition of CASP, a bi-annual blind competition for Protein Structure Prediction [135].

TripletRes is composed of 4 CNN trained end-to-end.

More in detail, 3 coevolutionary inputs, i.e. the covariance matrix, precision matrix and coupling parameters of the Potts model, are fed to 3 different CNN which are then fused in a unique CNN downstream.

Each CNN is composed of 24 residual convolutional layers with a kernel of size 3 x 3 x 64.

The training of TripletRes required 4 GPUs running concurrently - using Adam and a 80% dropout rate.

TripletRes successfully identified and predicted both globally and locally multi-domain proteins following a divide et impera strategy.

AlphaFold [123] is a Protein Structure Prediction method that achieved the best performance in the Ab initio category of CASP13 [135].

Central to AlphaFold is a distance map predictor implemented as a very deep residual neural networks with 220 residual blocks processing a representation of dimensionality
64 x 64 x 128 – corresponding to input features calculated from two 64 amino acid fragments.

Each residual block has three layers including a 3 x 3 dilated convolutional layer – the blocks cycle through dilation of values 1, 2, 4, and 8.

In total the model has 21 millions parameters.

The network uses a combination of 1D and 2D inputs, including evolutionary profiles from different sources and co-evolution features.

Alongside a distance map in the form of a very finely-grained histogram of distances, AlphaFold predicts U and W angles for each residue which are used to create the initial predicted 3D structure.

The AlphaFold authors concluded that the depth of the model, its large crop size, the large training set of roughly 29,000 proteins, modern Deep Learning techniques, and the richness of information from the predicted histogram of distances helped AlphaFold achieve a high contact map prediction precision.

Constant improvements in contact and distance map predictions over the last few years have directly resulted in improved 3D predictions.

Fig. 4 reports the average quality of predictions submitted to the CASP competition for free modelling targets, i.e. proteins for which no suitable templates are available and predictions are therefore fully ab initio, between CASP9 (2010) and CASP13 (2018).

Improvements especially over the last two editions are largely to be attributed to improved map predictions [127,136].






4. Summary and outlook

Proteins fold spontaneously in 3D conformations based only on the information present in their residues [7].

Protein Structure predictors are systems able to extract from the protein sequence information constraining the set of possible local and global conformations and use this to guide the folding of the protein itself.

Deep Learning methods are successful at producing higher abstractions/representations while ignoring irrelevant variations of the input when sufficient amounts of data are provided to them[137].

Both characteristics together with the availability of rapidly growing protein databases increasingly make Deep Learning methods the preferred techniques to aid Protein Structure Prediction (see Tables 1 and 2).

The highly complex landscape of protein conformations make Protein Structural Annotations one of the main research topics of interest within Protein Structure Prediction[11].

In particular, 1D annotations have been a central topic since the ’60s [1,2] while the focus is progressively shifting towards more informative and complex 2D annotations such as contactmaps and distance maps.

This change of paradigm is mainly motivated by technological breakthroughs which result in continuous growth in computational power and protein sequences available
thanks to next-generation sequencing and metagenomics [76,81].

Recent work on the prediction of 1D structural annotations [11,31,75,61], contact map prediction [117,122], and on overall structure prediction systems [123,138], emphasises the importance of more sophisticated pipelines to find and exploit evolutionary information from ever growing databases.

This is often achieved by running several tools to find multiple homologous sequences
in parallel [32,76,81] and, increasingly, by deploying Machine/Deep Learning techniques to independently process the sequence before fusing their outputs into the final prediction.

The correlation between sequence alignment quality and accuracy of PSA predictors has been empirically demonstrated [139–141].

How to best gather and process homologous sequences is an active research topic, e.g.
RawMSA is a suite of predictors which proposes to substitute the pre-processing of sequence alignments with an embedding step in order to learn a representation of protein sequences instead of pre-compressing homologous sequences into input features [142].

The same trend towards end-to-end systems has been attempted in the pipeline from processed homologous sequences to 3D structure, e.g. inNEMO [143], a differentiable simulator, and RGN (Recurrent Geometrical Network) [144], an end-to-end differentiable
learning of protein structure.

However, state-of-the-art structure predictors are still typically composed of multiple intelligent systems.

The last mile of Protein Structure Prediction, i.e. the building, ranking and scoring of structural models, is also fertile ground for Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods [145,146].

E.g. MULTICOM exploits DNCON2 - a multi-class contact map predictor - to build structural models and to feed DeepRank - an ensemble of FFNN to rank such models [138].

DeepFragLib is, instead, a Deep Learning method to sample fragments (for ab initio structure prediction) [147].

The current need for multiple intelligent systems is supported by empirical results, especially in the case of hard predictions.

Splitting proteins into composing domains, predicting 1D PSA, and optimising each component of the pipeline is particularly useful especially when alignment quality is poor [148].

Today, state-of-the-art systems for Protein Structure Prediction are composed by multiple specialised components [123,138,11] in which Deep Learning systems have an increasing, often crucial role, while end-to-end prediction systems entirely based on Deep Learning techniques, e.g. Deep Reinforcement Learning, may be on the horizon but are at present still immature.

Progress in this field over the last few years has been substantial, even dramatic especially in the prediction of contact and distance maps [127,136], but the essential role of structural, evolutionary, and co-evolutionary information in this progress cannot be understated, with ab initio prediction quality still lagging that of template-based predictions, proteins with poor alignments being still a weak spot and prediction of protein structure from a single sequence being a challenge that is far from solved [149], although some progress has recently been observed for proteins with shallow alignments [150].

More generally, given that our current structure prediction pipelines rely almost exclusively on increasingly sophisticated and sensitive techniques to detect similarity to
known structures and sequences, it is unclear whether predictions truly represent low energy structures unless we know they arecorrect.

The prediction of protein misfolding [151,152] presents a further challenge for the current prediction paradigm, with Machine Learning methods only making slow inroads [153].

Nevertheless, as more computational resources, novel techniques and ultimately, critically, increasing amounts of experimental data will become available [137], further improvements are to be expected.





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W.パウリ 相対性理論 内山龍雄 訳 昭和49年10月28日 第1刷発行 講談社





W. Pauliが21才のときに、Mathematical Encyclopediaのために書かれた論文を、35年後に単行本として出版したもの。




以下に、英訳本に対するW. Pauliの序文の後半部分を、そのまま転載する。





 1956年11月18日、チューリッヒにて                   W. Pauli


第Ⅰ編 特殊相対性理論の基礎



 相対性理論によって引きおこされた物理学的諸概念の変革には、実はそうなるまでに永い準備期間があった。すでに1887年、Voigt は弾性論的光学理論の立場から、運動している座標系においては局所的時間 t' を用いるほうが数学的に便利であることを指摘している。彼の論文では t' の原点は空間座標の一次関数であらわされる。しかし t' のスケールは静止座標系の時間 t のそれと同一としている。このようにして光の波動方程式は運動している座標系からみても、その形を変えないことが証明された。この Voigt の注意は、しかしながら、その後完全に忘れさられてしまった。 




 しかし Michelson の干渉計の実験(これは v/c の2次の量に関する実験である)の否定的結果は理論に対して致命的打撃を与えた。この問題を解決するために、ローレンツならびに、フィッツジェラルドローレンツとは独立に次のような仮説を提唱した。すなわちすべての物体は速さvで並進運動をしているとき、その長さが収縮するという説である。長さの変化率は運動の方向に対してκ√1-(v/c)^2(正しく表示できない)倍に収縮する。













 前節までに述べた二つの要請、すなわち相対性の要請と光速度不変の要請は一見両立しないもののように思われる。例えば、1人の観測者Aに対して光源Lが早さvをもって運動しているとしよう。また第2の観測者Bは光源Lに対して静止しているものとする。これら両観測者にとって光の波面はそれぞれ球面に見える。しかもその中心は、A, Bそれぞれにとって静止して見えるはずである。したがって、A, Bは実は異なる球面を見ていることになる。この矛盾はつぎのことを容認するならば解消する。すなわちAが見たとき、Aの球面上の各点には光が同時刻に到達するが、これをBから眺めれば、Aの球面上のすべての点に同一の時刻に光が到達したようには見えないということである。これは同時刻という概念が見る人によって異なるもので、相対的概念であることを主張するものである。そこでまず第一に、別々の場所に在る時計を同時刻にそろえるとはいかなる意味を指すものかを説明することが必要である。これについてアインシュタインはつぎのような定義を採用した。いま点Pから、Pの時計の示す時刻tpに光が放射され、それが点Qに到着し、そこで反射され、再びPに立ちもどったときのPの時計の示す時刻をtp'とする。Qで光が反射されたとき、Qに在る時計の示す時刻がtqであったとする。もしtq=(tp+tp')/2がなりたつときは、Qの時計はPの時計と同時刻に調整されているという。アインシュタインは時計の調整に光を用いた。なぜなら、二つの要請は光の信号がどのように伝播するかについて不明確さが一切ない明確な規定をわれわれに与えるから。時計を同時刻に調整するについては、勿論光以外の手段を用いる方法も考えられる。たとえば一つの時計を或る場所から他の地点にまで運搬する方法とか、また力学的あるいは弾性的な信号の伝達法も考えられよう。しかしどのような方法を用いるにしても、その結果が上述の光を用いた調整法による結果と矛盾してはならないということは重要な条件である。







 古典運動学における速度の加法の法則は、相対論的運動学ではもはや成りたたないことは容易にわかるであろう。相対性理論では c に v(<c) を加えれば c+v ではなく、再び c とならなければならない。


第Ⅱ編 数学的準備




















 これからすべての点変換からなる群に対する不変論を議論することにしよう。そのためにはまず、長さの定義をしておかねばならない。また一般リーマン幾何学の定理を述べておく必要がある。Bolyai および Lobachevski の考えた古い幾何学では平行に関するユークリッドの公理は放棄された。しかし任意の幾何学的図形をそのまま、或る場所から他の場所まで自由に運搬することの可能性は公理としてみとめた。その結果、彼らの幾何学は曲率が一定の空間の或る特別な場合に相当する。また射影幾何学から出発しても、より一般的な計量をもつ空間には到達し得ない。もっとも一般的な計量をもつ空間の可能性を考えた最初の人はリーマンである。特殊相対性理論ならびに一般相対性理論では剛体という概念が修正されることになったが、それはいままで永い間、自明とされていた合同の公理が放棄されねばならないことが今日にいたって明らかとなったことを意味する。またそれは一般リーマン幾何学が空間・時間に対するわれわれの考察の基礎とならねばならないことを示すものである。







 空間の曲率という概念を最初にいいだした人はリーマンである。彼は曲面のガウス曲率という概念をn次元多様体の場合へ拡張した。しかし彼のパリ受賞論文が発表されるまでは、この問題に対する彼の解析的方法がどのようなものかはわからなかった。この彼の論文には曲率に関する彼の扱いのすべてが載っている。それは消去法ならびに変分法のいずれをも用いる扱い方である。しかしリーマンのこの仕事より以前に、Christoffel および Lipschitz はすでに同じ結論を導いていた。











 一般相対性理論では、座標系の任意の変換に対して不変(共変)な形式をもつ方程式のみを扱うが、ときには、座標の一次変換(アフィン変換)に対してのみテンソルのように変換される或る種の量が重要となる場合がある。後者のようなふるまいをする量をアフィン・テンソルという。アフィン・テンソルの例として最もよく知られているものが測地成分 Γ (上付きi、下付きkl)である。






第Ⅲ編 特殊相対性理論









b) 電気力学































ここで E=mc**2が登場する。(318b)









 運動エネルギーと質量の間の簡単な関係式(318b)から、すべてのエネルギー E には m=E/c**2 であたえられる質量が付随する(すなわちEは必ずE/c**2という大きさの質量をもつ)という要請に導かれる。これをみとめると、任意の物体が過熱されればその質量は増加することになる。


































第Ⅳ編 一般相対性理論



 ニュートンの重力の法則は作用が瞬間的に遠隔地点に到達するという考えにたっている故、特殊相対性理論と両立しかねるものである。後者によれば、すべての作用はどんなに速くても光速度以上の速さでは伝播できない。また重力の法則もローレンツ不変でなければならない。ポアンカレはいちはやく、これら両要請が満たされるようにニュートンの重力の法則を修正することを試みた。このような試みはいろいろの方法で実行することができる。しかしそれらの試みに共通な基本的仮定は次のことである。すなわち2個の粒子のあいだにはたらく重力はそれらの同時刻における相対的位置に依存するのではなく、 t=r/c だけ以前における相手の粒子の位置との相対的関係に依存する。また位置だけでなく速度(またさらに多分加速度)にも依存するということである。しかしニュートンの法則からのズレは常に v/c の2次(またはそれ以上)であり、そのためこのズレは非常に小さくわれわれの経験と矛盾しない。ミンコフスキーとゾンマーフェルトはポアンカレのアイデアを4次元ベクトル解析に適合する形に書きあらわした;また特別な場合についてローレンツによりくわしく検討された。












































第Ⅴ編 荷電素粒子の理論






§65.Weil の理論






 さらに場の理論では、荷電素粒子の内部を平衡状態に保つためにはクーロンの斥力を相殺する特別な凝集力の存在が必要である。この凝集力が電磁的性格のものと仮定するならば、Mieが考えたように、電磁ポテンシャル自身にも物理的な意味をもたせなければならない。しかしこのような解釈は§64にのべたような重大な困難を引きおこす。これと反対に、荷電粒子は自己の重力によって、粒子自身を安定にたもっているという考えがある。しかしこの考えも非常に強い経験的反論に遭遇する。なぜなら、そのような解釈にたてば、電子の重力質量と電荷のあいだには或る簡単な数値的関係が存在することになる。すなわちe**2≒km**2となる必要がある。ところが現実にはe/m√k (k=ニュートン万有引力定数)は10^20の程度の途方もない大きな数となる。






以上、W. Pauli 相対性理論 内山龍雄訳、の一部の写経、おわり  




























2022/9/3 追記

アインシュタインは、1922年12月14日に京都で講演しており、その講演内容の英訳が、Physics Today / August 1982 P45-47に掲載されている。



英文講演タイトル:How I created the theory of relativity




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The frontier of simulation-based inference

The frontier of simulation-based inference

Kyle Cranmer, Johann Brehmer, and Gilles Louppe


Many domains of science have developed complex simulations to describe phenomena of interest.

While these simulations provide high-fidelity models, they are poorly suited for inference and lead to challenging inverse problems.

We review the rapidly developing field of simulation-based inference and identify the forces giving additional momentum to the field.

Finally, we describe how the frontier is expanding so that a broad audience can appreciate the profound influence these developments may have on science.


statistical inference | implicit models | likelihood-free inference | 

approximate Bayesian computation | neural density estimation


Mechanistic models can be used to predict how systems will behave in a variety of circumstances.

These run the gamut of distance scales, with notable examples including particle physics, molecular dynamics, protain folding, population genetics, neuroscience, epidemiology, economics, ecology, climate science, astrophysics, and cosmology.

The expressiveness of programming languages facilitates the development of complex, high-fidelity simulations and the power of modern computing provides the ability to generate synthetic data from them.

Unfortunately, these simulators are poorly suited for statistical inference.

The source of the challenge is that the probability density (or likelihood) for a given observation - an essential ingredient for both frequentist and Bayesian inference methods - is typically intractable.

Such models are often referred to as implicit models and contrasted against prescribed models where the likelihood for an observation can be explicitly calculated (1).

The problem setting of statistical inference under intractable likelihoodshas been dubbed likelihood-free inference - although it is a bit of a misnomer as typically one attempts to estimate the intractable likelihood, so we feel the term simulation-based inference is more apt.  






*ABCは、Approximate Bayesian Computationのこと。


Workflows for Simulation-Based Inference



推論手法は、ABCのように、推論中にシミュレーター自体を使用するものと、代理モデルを構築して推論に使用する方法に大きく分けることができます。最初のケースでは、シミュレーターの出力がデータと直接比較されます(図1 A–D)。後者の場合、シミュレーターの出力は、図1 E – Hの緑色のボックスに示すように、推定またはMLステージのトレーニングデータとして使用されます。結果の代理モデルは、赤い六角形で示され、推論に使用されます。






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ARC コンペのコードに学ぶ

KaggleのARCコンペ第3位、Ilia Larchwnko氏の手法に学ぶ


目的は、Domein Specific Languageにより、課題を解くことができるようにすること。






GitHubに公開されている、Ilia氏単独開発のコードは、全体の構成がわかりやすい。train dataでの正解は138/400、evaluation dataでの正解は96/400とのことである。 





combine_two_lists(list1, list2):


filter_list_of_dicts(list1, list2): 

      """ returns the intersection of two lists of dicts """


find_mosaic_block(image, params):

      """ predicts 1 output image given input image and prediction params """


intersect_two_lists(list1, list2):

      """ intersects two lists of np.arrays """


reconstruct_mosaic_from_block(block, params, original_image=None):



      """ swaps two colors """



find_color_boundaries(array, color):

      """ looks for the boundaries of any color and returns them """


find_glid(image, frame=False, possible_colors=None):

      """ looks for the grid in image and returns color and size """


get_color(color_dict, colors):

      """ retrive the absolute number corresponding a color set by color_dict """


get_color_max(image, color):

      """ return the part of image inside the color boundaries """




get_grid(image, grid_size, cell, frame=False):

      """ returns the particular cell form the image with grid """


get_mask_from_block_params(image, params, block_cashe=None, mask_cashe=None, color_scheme=None)


get_predict(image, transform, block_cash=None, color_scheme=None):

      """ applies the list of transforms to the image """


preprosess_sample(sample, param=None, color_param=None, process_whole_ds=False):

      """ make the whole preprocessing for particular sample """



1. Predictor



      """ Stack different blocks together to get the output """



      """ very similar to puzzle but applicable only to pixel_level blocks """



      """ applies different rules using 3x3 masks """



      """ same as Fill but iterates over 3 colors """ 



      """ applies rules based on masks extracted from images """



      """ applies rules based on masks extracted from images """



      """ connect dot of same color, on one line """



      """ connect dot of same color, on one line """



      """ fill the whole horizontal and/or vertical lines of one color """



      """ reconstruct mosaic """



      """ reconstruct mosaic using rotations and reflections """



      """ returns the reconstructed part of the mosaic """



      """ returns the reconstructed part of the rotate/reflect mosaic """



      """ applies pattern to every pixel with particular color """



      """ applies pattern extracted form some block to every pixel with particular color """



      """ move non_background pixels toward something """



      """ move non_background objects toward something """



      """ move non_background objects toward color """



21. EliminateColor

22. EliminateDuplicate

23. ReplaceColumn

24. CellToColumn

25. PutBlochIntoHole

26. PutBlockOnPixel

27. EliminateBlock

28. InsideBlock

29. MaskToBlock

30. Colors

31. ExtendTargets

32. ImageSlicer

33. MaskToBlockParallel

34. RotateAndCopyBlock




まず最初に、入力として与えられたもの(イメージ、図柄、グリッドパターン)の、colorと、blockと、maskを、JSON-like objectで表現する。


{ "name": "Suzuki", "age": 22}






2.1.1 Colors

I use a few ways to represent colors; below are some of them:

  • Absolute values. Each color is described as a number from 0 to 9. Representation: {"type”: "abs”, "k”: 0}

  • あらかじめ決められている数字と色の対応関係:0:black,  1:blue,  2:red,  3:green,  4:yellow,  5:grey,  6:magenda,  7:orange,  8:sky,  9:brown
  • The numerical order of color in the list of all colors presented in the input image sorted (ascending or descending) by the number of pixels with these colors. Representation: {"type”: "min”, "k”: 0}{"type”: "max”, "k”: 0}

  • 色の並び、0(黒)を最大とみなすか、最小とみなすか。どういう使い方をするのだろうか。
  • The color of the grid if there is one on the input image. Representation: {"type”: "grid_color”}

  • 単色(出力に単色はあるが、入力で単色というのはあっただろうか)。それとも、黒地に単色パターンという意味だろうか。
  • The unique color in one of the image parts (top, bottom, left, or right part; corners, and so on). Representation: {"type": "unique", "side": "right"}{"type": "unique", "side": "tl"}{"type": "unique", "side": "any"}

  • 上下左右隅のどこかの部分の色だけが異なっている。"tl"は、top+leftのことだろうか?
  • No background color for cases where every input has only two colors and 0 is one of them for every image. Representation: {"type": "non_zero"}

  • 入力グリッドが2色からなっている場合に、通常は、0:黒をバックグラウンドとして扱うが、黒が他の色と同じように扱われている場合には、"non_zero"と識別するということか。


2.1.2 Blocks

Block is a 10-color image somehow derived from the input image.

Each block is represented as a list of dicts; each dict describes some transformation of an image.

One should apply all these transformations to the input image in the order they are presented in the list to get the block.

Below are some examples.

The first order blocks (generated directly from the original image):

  • The image itself. Representation: [{"type": "original"}]

  • One of the halves of the original image. Representation: [{"type": "half", "side": "t"}][{"type": "half", "side": "b"}][{"type": "half", "side": "long1"}]

  • 上半分、下半分、"long1":意味不明
  • "t" : top,  "b" : bottom
  • The largest connected block excluding the background. Representation: [{"type": "max_block", "full": 0}]

  • バックグラウンド以外で、もっとも大きなブロックに着目する、ということか。"full": 0は、バックグラウンドが黒(0)ということか?
  • The smallest possible rectangle that covers all pixels of a particular color. Representation: [{"type": "color_max", "color": color_dict}] color_dict – means here can be any abstract representation of color, described in 2.1.1.

  • 特定の色で最小サイズの矩形ブロックのことか?"color_max"の意味が不明
  • Grid cell. Representation: [{"type": "grid", "grid_size": [4,4],"cell": [3, 1],"frame": True}]

  • グリッドが全体で、セルは部分を指しているのか?
  • The pixel with particular coordinates. Representation: [{"type": "pixel", "i": 1, "j": 4}]

  • particular coordinateとi,jの関係が不明


The second-order blocks – generated by applying some additional transformations to the other blocks:

  • Rotation. Representation: [source_block ,{"type": "rotation", "k": 2}] source_block means that there can be one or several dictionaries, used to generate some source block from the original input image, then the rotation is applied to this source block

  • 回転、"k"は単位操作の繰り返し回数か?
  • Transposing. Representation: [source_block ,{"type": "transpose"}]

  • "transpose" : 行と列を入れ替える
  • Edge cutting. Representation: [source_block ,{"type": "cut_edge", "l": 0, "r": 1, "t": 1, "b": 0}] In this example, we cut off 1 pixel from the left and one pixel from the top of the image.

  • 端部のカット:数字がピクセル数だとすれば、rightとtopから1ピクセルカットするということになる。説明が間違っているのか?
  • Resizing image with some scale factor. Representation: [source_block , {"type": "resize", "scale": 2}][source_block , {"type": "resize", "scale": 1/3}]

  • 2倍、3分の1倍
  • Resizing image to some fixed shape. Representation: [source_block , {"type": "resize_to", "size_x": 3, "size_y": 3}]

  • x方向に3倍、y方向にも3倍ということか?
  • Swapping some colors. Representation: [source_block , {"type": "color_swap", "color_1": color_dict_1, "color_2": color_dict_2}]

  • 色の交換


  • There is also one special type of blocks - [{"type": "target", "k": I}]. It is used when for the solving ot the task we need to use the block not presented on any of the input images but presented on all target images in the train examples. Please, find the example below.
  • 次の図のように、入力画像に含まれず、出力画像(target)にのみ含まれるブロック構造を指す。


2.1.3 Masks

Masks are binary images somehow derived from original images. Each mask is represented as a nested dict.

  • Initial mask literally: block == color. Representation: {"operation": "none", "params": {"block": bloc_list,"color": color_dict}} bloc_list here is a list of transforms used to get the block for the mask generation

  • Logical operations over different masks Representation: {"operation": "not", "params": mask_dict}, {"operation": "and", "params": {"mask1": mask_dict 1, "mask2": mask_dict 2}}, {"operation": "or", "params": {"mask1": mask_dict 1, "mask2": mask_dict 2}}, {"operation": "xor", "params": {"mask1": mask_dict 1, "mask2": mask_dict 2}}

  • Mask with the original image's size, representing the smallest possible rectangle covering all pixels of a particular color. Representation: {"operation": "coverage", "params": {"color": color_dict}}

  • Mask with the original image's size, representing the largest or smallest connected block excluding the background. Representation: {"operation": "max_block"}







You can find more information about existing abstractions and the code to generate them in


2.2 Predictors

I have created 32 different classes to solve different types of abstract task using the abstractions described earlier.

All of them inherit from Predictor class.

The general logic of every predictor is described in the pseudo-code below (also, it can be different some classes).


for n, (input_image, output_image) in enumerate(sample['train']):

      list_of_solutions = [ ]

      for possible_solution in all_possible_solutions:

            if apply_solution(input_image, possible_solution) == output_image:


      if n == 0:

            final_list_of_solutions = list_of_solutions


            final_list_of _solutions = intersection(list_of_solutions, final_list_of _solutions)


      if len(final_list_of_solutions == 0

            return None


answers = [ ]

for test_input_image in sample['test']:

      answers.append([ ])

      for solution in final_list_of_solutions:

            answers[-1].append(apply_solution(test_input_image, solution))


return answers


The examples of some predictors and the results are below.

・Puzzle - generates the output image by concatenating blocks generated from the input image




# puzzle like predictors

class Puzzle(Predictor):

      """ Stack different blocks together to get the output """

      def __init__(self, params=None, preprocess_params=None):

            super( ).__init__(params, preprocess_params)

            self.intersection = params["intersection"]


      def initiate_factors(self, target_image):

            t_n, t_m = target_image.shape

            factors = [ ]

            grid_color_list = [ ]

            if self.intersection < 0:

                  grid_color, grid_size, frame = find_grid(target_image)

                  if grid_color < 0:

                        return factors, [ ]

                  factors = [glid_size]

                  grid_color_list = self.sample["train"][0]["colors"][glid_color]

                  self.frame = frame


                  for i in range(1, t_n, + 1):

                        for j in range(1, t_m + 1):

                            if (t_n - self.intersection) % 1 == 0 and (t_m - self.intersection) % j == 0:

                                factors.append([i, j])

            return factors, grid_color_list


*ここで、preprocessingのfind_grid( )を見ておこう。


def find_grid(image, frame=False, possible_colors=None):

      """ Looks for the grid in image and returns color and size """

      grid_color = -1

      size = [1, 1]

      if possible_colors is None:

            possible_colors = list(range(10))

      for color in possible_colors:

            for i in range(size[0] +1, image.shape[0] // 2 + 1):

                  if (image.shape[0] +1) % i == 0:

                        step = (image.shape[0] +1) // i

                        if (image[(step - 1) : : step] == color).all( ):

                              size[0] = i

                              grid_color = color

            for i in range(size[1] +1, image.shape[1] // 2 + 1):

                  if (image.shape[1] +1) % i == 0:

                        step = (image.shape[1] +1) // i

                        if (image[(step - 1) : : step] == color).all( ):

                              size[1] = i

                              grid_color = color





def get_rotation(image, k):

      return 0, np.rot90(image, k)

kは整数で、回転角は、90 * kで、反時計回り。



def get_transpose(image):

      return 0, np.transpose(image)




def get_roll(image, shift, axis)

      return 0, np.roll(image, shift=shift, axis=axis)












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Chapter 19 Training and Deploying TensorFlow Models at Scale

Chapter 19  Training and Deploying TensorFlow Models at Scale

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & Tensorflow 2nd Edition by A. Geron


Chapter 2は、KaggleのTitanicと並行して勉強していたので、何をどこまで学んだか忘れてしまったが、章のタイトルが"End-to-End Machine Learning Project"となっていて、最後の方に、"Lauch, Monitor, and Maintain Your System"という節があって、開発した機械学習モデルを市場に出して運用するところまで説明されていたのが強く印象に残っている。







Chapter 2: End-to-End Machine Learning Project

Lauch, Monitor, and Maintain Your System

Perfect, you got approval to launch!

You now need to get your solution ready for production (e.g., polich the code, write documantation and test, and so on).

Then you can deploy your model to your production environment.

One way to do this is to save the trained Scikit-Learn model (e.g., using joblib), including the full preprocessing and prediction pipeline, then load this trained model within your production environment and use it to make predictions by calling its predict( ) method.

For example, perhaps the model will be used within a website:

the user will type in some data about a new distinct and click the Estimate Price button.

This will send a query containing the data to the web server, which will forward it to your web application, and finally your code will simply call the model's predict( ) method (you want to load the model upon server startup, rather than every time the model is used).

Alternatively, you can wrap the model within a dedicated web service that your web application can query through a REST API.

REST API: In a nutshell, a REST (or RESTful) API is an HTTP-based API that follows some conventions, such as using standard HTTP verbs to read, update, or delete resources (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) and using JSON for the inputs and outputs.

This makes it easier to upgrade your model to new versions without interrupting the main application.

It also simplifies scaling, since you can start as many web services as needed and load-balance the requests coming from your web application across these web services.

Moreover, it allows your web application to use any language, not just Python.


Anothe popular strategy is to deploy your model on the cloud, for eample on Google Cloud AI Platform (formerly known as Google Cloud ML Engine):

just save your model using joblib and upload it to Google Cloud Storage (GCS), then head over to Google Cloud AI Platform and create a new model version, pointing it to the GCS file.

That's it!

This gives you a simple web service that takes care of load balancing and scaling for you.

It takes JSON requests containing the input data (e.g., of a district) and return JSON responses containing the predictions.

You can then use this web service in your website (or whatever production environment you are using).

As we will see in Chapter 19, deploying TensorFlow models on AI Platform is not much different from deploying Scikit-Learn models.


But deployment is not the end of the story.

You also need to write monitoring code to check your system's live performance at regular intervals and trigger alerts when it drops.

This could be a steep drop, likely due to a broken component in your infrastructure, but be aware that it could also be a gentle decay that could easily go unnoticed for a long time.

This is quite common because models tend to "rot" over time:

indeed, the world changes, so if the model was trained with last year's data, it may not be adapted to today's data.


Even a model trained to classify pictures of cats and dogs may need to be retrained regularly, not because cameras keep changing, along with image formats, sharpness, brightness, and size ratios.

Moreover, people may love different breeds next year, or they may decide to dress their pets with tiny hats - Who knows?


So you need to monitor your model's live performance.

But howdo you that?

Well, it depends.

In some cases the model's performance can be infered from downstream metrics.

Fore example, if your model is part of a recommender system and it suggests products that the users may be interested in, then it's easy to monitor the number of recommended products sold each day.

If  this number drops (compared to nonrecommended products), then the prime suspect is the model.

This may be because the data pipeline is broken, or perhaps the model needs to be retrained on fresh data (as we will discuss shortly).


However, its not always possible to determine the model's performance without any human analysis.

For example, suppose you trained an image classification model (see Chapter 3) to detect several product defects on a production line.

How can you get an alert if the model's performance drops, before thousands of defective products get shipped to your cliants?

One solution is to send to human raters a sample of all the pictures that the model classified (especially pictures that the model wasn't so sure about).

Depending on the task, the raters may need to be experts, or they could be nonspecialists, such as workers on a crowdsourcing platform (e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk).

In some applications they could even be the users themselves, responding for example via surveys or repurposed captchas.


Either way, you need to put in place a monitoring system (with or without human raters to evaluate the live model), as well as all the relevant processes to define what to do in case of failures and how to prepare for them.

Unfortunately, this can be a lot of work.

In fact, it is often much more work than building and training a model.












If the data keeps evolving, you will need to update your datasets and retrain your model regularly.

You should probably automate the whole process as much as possible.

Here are a few things you can automate:

・Collect fresh data regularly and label it (e.g., using human raters).

・Write a script to train the model and fine-tune the hyperparameters automatically.

   This script could run automatically, fore example every day or every week, depending       on your needs.

・Write another script that will evaluate both the new model and the previous model on     the updated test set, and deploy the model to production if the performance has not       decreased (if it did, make sure you investigate why).


You should also make sure you evaluate the model's input data quality.

Sometimes performance will degrade slightly because of a poor-quality signal (e.g., a malfunctioning sensor sending random values, or another team's output becoming stale), but it may take a while before your system's performance degrades enough to trigger an alart.

If you monitor your model's inputs, you may catch this earlier.

For example, you could trigger an alert if more and more inputs are missing a feature, or if its mean or standard deviation drifts too far from the training set, or a categorical feature starts containing new categories.


Finally, make sure you keep backups of every model you create and have the process and tools in place to roll back to a previous model quickly, in case the new model starts failing badly for some reason.

Having backups also makes it possible to easily compare new models with previous ones.

Similarly, you should keep backups of every version of your datasets so that you can roll back to a previous dataset if the new one ever gets corrupted (e.g., if the fresh data that gets added to it turns out to be full of outliers).

Having backups of your datasets also allows you to evaluate any model against any previous dataset.


You may want to create several subsets of the test set in order to evaluate how well your model performs on specific parts of the data.

For example, you may want to have a subset containing only the most recent data, or a test set for specific kinds of inputs (e.g., districts located inland versus districts located near the ocean).

This will give you a deeper understanding of your model's strengths and weaknesses.


As you can see, Machine Learning involves quite a lot of infrastructure, so don't be surprized if your first ML project takes a lot of effort and time to build and deploy to production.

Fortunately, once all the infrastructure is in place, going from idea to production will be much faster.


Chapter 19  Training and Deploying TensorFlow Models at Scale


A great solution to scale up your service, as we will see in this chapter, is to use TF Serving, either on your own hardware infrastructure or via a cloud service such as Google Cloud AI Platform.

It will take care of efficiently serving your model, handle graceful model transitions, and more.

If you use the cloud platform, you will also get many extra features, such as powerful monitoring tools.


In this chapter we will look at how to deploy models, first to  







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